15 Albums That Turn 15 In 2015!

Remember 2000? It was the first year of the new millennium. We had safely survived the “Y2K bug” unscathed. Al Gore and George Bush faced off for the U.S. Presidency, and Bush won, despite losing the popular vote (and we heard the phrase “hanging chad”…

Album Review: Kanye West, “Yeezus” (2013)

Here’s the thing: I LOVE Kanye West. As a rapper, and as a person. I get why people hate him- he kind of…okay, totally does…come off as a pretentious, self-absorbed, egotistical wanker. But, it works. And you know what? I love anyone who isn’t ashamed…

Album Review: Drake, “So Far Gone (EP)” (2009)

If you had asked me a few years ago if I had heard of Aubrey Graham, I’d say yes, I had- but only because he was one of the stars of one of my favorite TV shows from adolescence, Degrassi: The Next Generation. Graham played…