A Tribute To: Fiona Apple

A friend of mine unknowingly introduced me to Fiona Apple back in 2005. It was in the days of Myspace, and he had a few of Fiona’s songs playing on his Myspace page (remember those little players you could put on your profile that’d auto-play…

Album Review: Fiona Apple, “When The Pawn…” (1999)

My obsession with Fiona Apple started back in late 2005, when I purchased her third studio effort, Extraordinary Machine.  I fell easily for Apple’s sultry vocals, exquisite songwriting, and catchy tunes and literally wore the CD out (I had to buy a new copy of…

Album Review: Fiona Apple, “Extraordinary Machine” (2005)

I never paid much attention to Fiona Apple in the past. I remembered hearing her single, Criminal, on the radio, and writing her off as another one of the many female singer-songwriters of the time. It wasn’t until my friend, Danny, recommended her third album…