Album Review: Jamie Cullum, “The Pursuit” (2009)

I love Jamie Cullum.  I love everything about him- his unique brand of jazz/pop infused music, the fact that he puts on the best live performance I’ve ever seen, the way he dances on top of his piano at shows and even the fact that…

Album Review: Fleet Foxes, “Fleet Foxes” (2008)

“Music is a weird and cosmic thing, its own strange religion for nonbelievers, and what a joy it is to make, in any form”- Fleet Foxes I feel like last fall was my time of interesting musical discovery.  I got into a lot of bands…

Album Review: Death Cab For Cutie, “Plans” (2005)

I’ll admit that I’m pretty aversive to listening to any band that is associated with the word “emo”.  First of all, I don’t understand how “emotional” can become a genre of music…isn’t all music emotional in some sense?  And even worse, I don’t understand how…

Album Review: Declan O’Rourke, “Since Kyabram” (2004)

I am pretty envious of my friend, Missy.  During our sophomore year of college, she got to spend half of the year studying abroad in Ireland.  While she was there, she had the time of her life- met tons of lifelong friends (two of them…

Album Review: Kings Of Leon, “Only By The Night” (2008)

I try not to hold grudges.  The past is the past, forgive and forget, all that jazz.  Though I must say I’m still a teeny bit mad- okay, absolutely livid- about the fact that Kings of Leon cancelled their show that I was going to…

Album Review: Thom Yorke, “The Eraser” (2006)

Call me biased, but I’m seriously starting to fall under the opinion that Radiohead‘s frontman, Thom Yorke, is a genius.  Of course, there’s all the stellar Radiohead albums that he’s contributed to (including, of course, my favourite album, In Rainbows), but one can never be…

Album Review: Radiohead, “In Rainbows” (2007)

Radiohead is one of many bands that I’ve heard mentioned numerous times over the years, but have always sort of ignored. Sure, I could sing along with the chorus to Creep, and I was even familiar with songs like High & Dry and Kid A…