
What is this blog about?

I started this blog mainly to share music reviews, as I’ve written over 400 of them (primarily on Epinions.com, when it was still alive), and needed a place to archive them.  I also wanted a new place to actively share music reviews, and so Snippets was born.  I’ll also share my thoughts on TV shows, books, movies, or whatever else I find interesting in the entertainment world.

Why do you write music reviews?

Why not?  I love listening to music, I love sharing my opinion…it’s a perfect combination.  When I was a teenager, I always found myself reading reviews before buying CDs, and then I realised that I could write reviews of my own.  So I started writing music reviews online in 2003, and have been doing it consistently sporadically since.

Why is this blog called “Snippets”?

Remember when you could preview an album by listening to snippets of the songs online?  I guess people still do that, but anyway, that’s where I got the idea for the name for.  I actually started using Snippets as the title of my music reviews on another blog, but when the time came to name my blog here, I liked the name so much that I decided to keep it 🙂

How do you decide to rate albums?

Sometimes, if I’m doing a review while listening on iTunes, I’ll rate each individual song, and then let iTunes give me an average out of 5 stars.  Other times, I’ll just go with my gut feeling.  Basically:

5 stars- This album is awesome, it’s one of my favourites, I absolutely recommend it.

4 stars- This is a fantastic album, it’s nearly a classic, you should totally check it out.

3 stars- This is a good album, but it’s definitely got some pitfalls.  Proceed with caution.

2 stars- This album is pretty bad, but it has one or two good songs, which keeps it from totally sucking.

1 star- This is the worst album I’ve ever heard.

I’ve yet to rate an album with one star, but the time will probably come.

Do you write music reviews anywhere else?

Currently, no.  But I have plenty of times in the past!  I wrote for my college paper years ago.  I also have reviews featured on Popblerd.com and other various blogs (if you search “brittpinkie” you’ll probably find something from me).  Of course, I wrote on Epinions for many years.

I also share music-related content on my Hubpages account.

Do you write about anything else?

I have an active account on Hubpages.com, primarily where I write about video games.   Maybe someday I’ll write a book.   Oh, and I wrote fan fiction for many, many years.

Who are your favourite musicians?

I’ve included some of them on the sidebar to your right.

What are your favourite albums?

You can also check that out on the sidebar.

What’s your favourite kind of music?

I have a lot of favourites…but if I had to pick one genre, I’d say indie rock.  I also like a lot of pop, rock, rap, R&B, etc. etc. etc.

What do you look like?

This is me:


Where do you live?

I live in Sydney, Australia.  I’m American, though 🙂

Can I write a review for your blog?

At the moment, I’m not accepting content from other writers – this is a personal blog, and I’m keeping it for my own reviews.  That might change in the future, though – who knows.

Can you help me with my own blog?

Probably not- I have very little spare time these days. But running your own blog is easy if you have the time, passion, and some sort of HTML knowledge.

Will you write for me?

Maybe!  Depends on what it’s for.  Reach out to me here, or on Twitter, and let me know what you have in mind.