TV Review: How I Met Your Mother: “Last Forever”

I started watching How I Met Your Mother because I had to get my tonsils out.  That sounds strange, but it’s true; I had a tonsillectomy in 2010 and needed a show to watch during my recovery time.  Friends had been going on about HIMYM…

TV Review: Weeds (Season 1) (2005)

‘Why would a middle-aged, wealthy white woman in the suburbs ever need to sell weed?’ …is pretty much what I thought every time I heard the unbelievable premise of Showtime’s half-hour dramedy, Weeds.  I’ve heard of the show since it’s debut in 2005, been recommended to watch it…

TV Review: Misfits (Season 1) (2009)

One second you’re painting park benches to fulfill your community service obligations, and the next second, you’re being struck by lightning and acquiring superpowers.  Well, maybe not you, specifically.  But that’s what happens to the characters in the British teen comedy, Misfits.

TV Review: Girls (Season 1) (2012)

A “first world problem” by definition, is a frustration or complaint only experienced by privileged individuals in wealthy countries.   This phrase is most commonly used as a joke amongst my fellow Generation Y-ers, while we’re moaning about our irrelevant problems on Twitter (i.e. “The soda…

TV Review: True Blood (Season 1) (2008)

I can blame one of my best friends for getting me hooked on True Blood.  I remember the day that it happened- I admitted my fan girlish love for Twilight to her and she looked at me with an incredulous expression.  “If you like Twilight,…

TV Review: Everwood – The Complete First Season

It’s easy for a new show to get loss in the sea of programming during the fall. Often, quality television shows get overlooked in favor of the more advertised ones airing on bigger networks. Such seemed to be the case for the WB/UPN/CW series, Everwood….