Album Review: Kelly Clarkson, “Thankful” (2003)

America loves Kelly Clarkson. Or at least they should, since she won last years title of American Idol. I’ve never been a huge Kelly fan, but I always liked her voice, and thought she had a sweet personality. And being the big AI buff that…

Album Review: Justin Guarini, “Justin Guarini” (2003)

Last summer, I was one of the many people who religiously watched American Idol every week. I laughed at the deluded rejects, sometimes agreed with Simon’s brutally honest critiques, and sympathised with those who didn’t receive enough votes to make it to the next round….

Album Review: Jimmy Fallon, “The Bathroom Wall” (2002)

Back before Jimmy Fallon had his own late night show, he was just another featured player on Saturday Night Live. In 2002, Fallon (like many comedians before him) released his first album, “The Bathroom Wall”- a mix of his stand-up routine, sketches, and comedic songs.