Album Review: MGMT, “Oracular Spectacular” (2008)

It was about a year ago that I first starting listening to MGMT (pronounced as it’s written, though the band was once named The Management).  A friend of mine recommended them to me, and I bought their second studio album, Oracular Spectacular.

Album Review: Michael Bublé, “It’s Time” (2005)

I don’t like remakes.  Well, let me rephrase.  I’m weary of remakes.  I don’t like them unless I feel as though the remake somehow improves upon the original song.  Usually, I find that when people do remakes, they’ve done nothing to make the song better,…

Album Review: Sara Bareilles, “Little Voice” (2007)

Sara Bareilles could is the stereotypical artist whom worked their way up to fame.  The singer-songwriter started her career in college, singing in UCLA’s a capella group, Awaken A Capella.  After college, she began playing in small bars and cafes, hoping to catch a break. …

Album Review: Paramore, “Riot!” (2007)

Usually, I can pinpoint exactly when, where, and why I first got into a particular band or musician.  For some reason, however, I can’t remember where I first heard of Paramore, or why I even first purchased their sophomore album, Riot!  All I remember is…

Album Review: Lady Gaga, “The Fame” (2008)

I’m probably not the only one who feels this way, but at this moment in time, I’m pretty tired of Lady Gaga.  It’s funny, because when I first heard of her and bought her music, it was this time last year, and she was still…

Album Review: Jessica Simpson, “Do You Know” (2008)

I don’t care what anyone says about her- I always have and always will like Jessica Simpson.  I think she’s a sweet girl, and I always find myself rooting for her when the media attacks her.  Sure, she’s played the “dumb blonde” role out a…

Album Review: Death Cab For Cutie, “Plans” (2005)

I’ll admit that I’m pretty aversive to listening to any band that is associated with the word “emo”.  First of all, I don’t understand how “emotional” can become a genre of music…isn’t all music emotional in some sense?  And even worse, I don’t understand how…

Album Review: Fiona Apple, “When The Pawn…” (1999)

My obsession with Fiona Apple started back in late 2005, when I purchased her third studio effort, Extraordinary Machine.  I fell easily for Apple’s sultry vocals, exquisite songwriting, and catchy tunes and literally wore the CD out (I had to buy a new copy of…

Album Review: Camera Obscura, “My Maudlin Career” (2009)

A few months ago, I had never even heard of indie-pop band, Camera Obscura.  A friend of mine recommended them to me, figuring that I’d enjoy them like I do most indie music.  I recently picked up their fourth CD, My Maudlin Career (released this…

Album Review: Sufjan Stevens, “A Sun Came” (2000)

I’m pretty much obsessed with Sufjan Stevens.  I bought his album, Come On!  Feel The Illinoise back in ’06, or so, in fell in love with him then.  He’s somewhat of a musical genius- his songwriting ability is stunning, and the fact that he writes,…