Album Review: Plus One, “Obvious” (2002)

Plus One’s debut album, The Promise, was really, really bad. The CD was filled with poorly written songs, cheesy synthesized beats, and over-produced vocals. It’s a wonder that I wanted to buy their sophomore album, Obvious, but I remember purchasing it when it was released…

Album Review: Stephen Curtis Chapman, “All Things New” (2004)

Steven Curtis Chapman is one of the most popular Christian singers around. He’s had a plethora of hit albums and has been on the CCM charts since the late 80’s. His latest release, All Things New, continues to provide songs focusing on God and living…

Album Review: Delirious?, “World Service” (2003)

One day upon perusing the discount album bin at my local library, I came across Delirious?‘ album, World Service. I’d only heard a bit about the band prior to that- a few of my friends liked them, and I’d heard a few songs on the radio. But…

Album Review: Relient K, “MmHmm” (2004)

Boy, do I love Relient K. On the list of my favourite Christian artists, they rank high (somewhere between Plus One and Delirious). Between lead singer, Matt Thiessen‘s vocals and the great lyrics, I have enjoyed every Relient K album to date.

Album Review: Plus One, “Exodus” (2003)

When Plus One first arrived on the music scene in 2000, they were labelled the “Christian boy band”. The five members, Jason Perry, Jeremy Mhire, Nate Cole, Gabe Combs, and Nathan Walters had good looks, tight harmonies, and love songs that were good enough to…