Album Review: “Muppets- The Green Album” (2011)

The 2011 release of the awesome The Muppets film led me on a trip down memory lane, revisiting some of my favourite childhood characters and shows.  I grew up in the early 90’s so my Muppets history mainly contains the late 80’s/early 90’s cartoon, Muppet Babies…

Album Review: Paolo Nutini, “These Streets” (2006)

I’m a sucker for a man with an accent.  I’m not sure what it is, but as soon as I hear a man speak in a British, Irish, or heck, even a Canadian accent, I’m sold.  My boyfriend is Australian, so that just proves my…

Album Reviews: Sleigh Bells, “TREATS” (2010)

I’m not sure when I stumbled upon Sleigh Bells, though I know I first heard them while visiting someone’s blog.  Usually, I automatically mute my laptop when a blog has an automatic playlist enabled, but I remember being captivated by the band’s unique sound.  The…

Album Review: Coldplay, “Mylo Xyloto” (2011)

I don’t even remember when I first became a Coldplay fan; perhaps it was the first time I saw the beautiful music video for “Yellow”, or maybe it was when I couldn’t get the bridge of “The Scientist” out of my head.  Either way, they’ve…

Album Review: The Temper Trap, “The Temper Trap” (2012)

From the moment I heard the song, Sweet Disposition in 2009, I knew I’d love The Temper Trap.  The Australian indie-rock band had that perfect combination of lush melodies, alluring vocals, and unforgettable lyrics.  The group, made up of lead singer, Dougy Mandagi, bassist, Jonathan Aherne, Toby…

Album Review: Muse, “The 2nd Law” (2012)

English rock band, Muse, has been around since 1999.  I first got turned onto the band around 2008, but have gone back to familiarize myself with the rest of their catalog and have subsequently seen the band explore a number of musical styles since then.