This time next week, I’ll be seeing John Mayer in concert! I’m really excited, and I’ve spent the entire day listening to his albums in anticipation.
I’ve been a John Mayer fan since I was 14. I saw his music video for “No Such Thing” and instantly fell in love with the song and its lyrics. I saved my money and bought his CD, “Room For Squares”, not long after, and it quickly became my favourite CD.
As the years went on, I grew up and my taste in music changed and grew with me. By the time I was 20, I wasn’t listening to most of the bands and musicians I listened to at 14, except for John Mayer, that is. I devoured each of his albums, and his songs always felt so personal to me; as if he’d been reading my diary and then made a song about my deepest thoughts.
Sometimes, when I say that John Mayer is my favourite artist, people give me a weird look. To most people, John Mayer is just that guy who songs cheesy love songs like “Your Body Is A Wonderland” on his guitar, and dates every single woman in Hollywood. It’d be cliché of me to say that he’s a lot more than that, but he honestly is. He’s a talented singer, songwriter and guitarist, and I always tell people to check out one of his albums (“Continuum” and “Born and Raised” are the best ones) before making a judgement. In twelve years of being his fan, he’s released songs and albums that I haven’t loved (I’m looking at you, “Battle Studies”), has said things I didn’t like (such as those racist comments he made and then tearfully apologised for a few years ago), and has done things I didn’t agree with (namely dating Katy Perry so many times), but I’ve always stuck by his side, and he’s always been my favourite musician.
And now I get to see him in concert (again!). I seriously can’t wait for next Thursday night!
Check out one of my favourite John Mayer songs: